
  • Gender: Female
  • Origin: Korean
  • Meaning: Charming, Beautiful

What is the meaning of the name Mi-Suk?

The name Mi-Suk is primarily a female name of Korean origin that means Charming, Beautiful.

People who like the name Mi-Suk also like:

Adela, Mee, Joo, Min-Ji, Min-Seo, Ryung, Ji-Yu, Yong, Bae, Hee, Dae, U-Jin, Kyu, Chin

Names like Mi-Suk:

Min-Seo, Michiye, Moeshe, Meggy, Musa, Masako, Mosiah, Mansi, Mahesa, Michiko, Ming Yue, Maxi, Meja, Mickey, Maj, Memengwa, Maxie, Mayank, Miyoko, Masayuki, Mikko, McGee, Manoush, Mika, Mikiesha, Mineko, Momoko, Maisa, Maizah, Mango

Stats for the Name Mi-Suk

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