
What is the meaning of the name Jake?

The name Jake is primarily a male name of Hebrew origin that means Supplanter.

Short form of Jacob. Jake LaMotta, boxer.

People who like the name Jake also like:

Jackson, Liam, Jack, Luke, Ethan, Lucas, Jacob, Amelia, Olivia, Emma, Lily, Ava, Ella, Charlotte

Names like Jake:

Ji-Yu, Josea, Josie, Josiah, Jesus, Joshwa, Jose, Josue, Joshua, Joah, Jachai, Jia, Jakai, Jessie, Joss, Jasey, Jessia, Jayesh, Jae, Jesse, Jozi, Jay, Jesiah, Joykiss, Jax, Jo, Jessa, Joy, Jace, Juke

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Jake Joseph Katrosar - son of Melissa Claire Egan and Matt Katrosar , born 2023

Stats for the Name Jake

checkmark Jake is currently #86 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Jake is currently #407 in U.S. births

Songs about Jake

Feed Jake - Gravure of the Soul
Jake the Peg - Rolf Harris
Jakey's Gin - Great Big Sea
My Brother Jake - Free
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