
What is the meaning of the name Joy?

The name Joy is primarily a female name of Latin origin that means Happiness.

Different Spellings of the name Joy:


People who like the name Joy also like:

Grace, Rose, Violet, Charlotte, Hannah, Faith, Hope, Jacob, Joshua, Alexander, Isaac, Benjamin, Liam, Gabriel

Names like Joy:

Jacey, Jae, Joweese, Jessica, Joey, Jessie, Ja, Jock, Jessa, Jaysha, Jaka, Joshwa, Jess, Jaxie, Jozi, Jose, Jake, Joykiss, Jax, Joyce, Juke, Ji, Jase, Jo, Jessia, Josiah, Joe, Josh, Joji, Jazz

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Joy-Anna Duggar - daughter of Jim Bob Duggar and Michelle Duggar , born 1997
Haley Joy Kotb - daughter of Hoda Kotb , born 2017
Maybellene Alma Joy Hanson - daughter of Taylor Hanson and Natalie Hanson , born 2020

Stats for the Name Joy

checkmark Joy is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Joy is currently #455 in U.S. births

Songs about Joy

Joy - Harry Nilsson
Joy - Mclusky
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