
What is the meaning of the name Hope?

The name Hope is primarily a female name of English origin that means Desire Of Fulfillment.

Hope Lange, actress. Ryan's Hope - television soap opera.

People who like the name Hope also like:

Olivia, Grace, Emma, Charlotte, Ava, Faith, Hannah, Ethan, Caleb, William, Gabriel, Elijah, Jacob, Liam

Names like Hope:

Happy, Hova, Haf, Habiba, Hebe, Hop, Habeeba, Hibah, Hayfa, Huff, Heba, Hiba, Habib

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Hope Rose Touni - daughter of Brittany Daniel and Adam Touni , born 2021
Hope Elizabeth Blumenstein - daughter of Ruthie Ann Miles and Jonathan Blumenstein , born 2020
Hope Catherine Kotb - daughter of Hoda Kotb , born 2019
Avery Hope Bovenizer - daughter of Mark Bovenizer and Amy Locane , born 2009

Stats for the Name Hope

checkmark Hope is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Hope is currently #302 in U.S. births

Songs about Hope

Hope - Our Lady Peace
You Deserve Nothing & I Hope You Get Less - Blessthefall
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