
What is the meaning of the name Virginia?

The name Virginia is primarily a female name of Latin origin that means Virginal, Pure.

Virginia Madsen, actress. Virginia Woolf, author and critic. Virginia Apgar, scientist.

Different Spellings of the name Virginia:


People who like the name Virginia also like:

Eleanor, Charlotte, Elizabeth, Georgia, Caroline, Evelyn, Violet, Oliver, William, Benjamin, Henry, Thomas, Alexander, Liam

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Gia Virginia Chen De Niro - daughter of Robert De Niro and Tiffany Chen , born 2023

Stats for the Name Virginia

checkmark Virginia is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Virginia is currently #560 in U.S. births

Songs about Virginia

Dancing Virginia - Jump, Little Children
Sweet Virginia - The Rolling Stones
The Exhumation of Virginia Madison - Strung Out
Virginia - Prism
Virginia - Tori Amos
Virginia Moon - The Foo Fighters
Virginia Plain - Roxy Music
Virginia Woolf - the Indigo Girls
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