
What is the meaning of the name Soleil?

The name Soleil is primarily a female name of French origin that means Sun.

Soleil Moon-Frye, actress.

People who like the name Soleil also like:

Luna, Isla, Violet, Amelia, Scarlett, Aurora, Genevieve, Liam, Elijah, Gabriel, Milo, August, Oliver, Sebastian

Names like Soleil:

Salihah, Shila, Sela, Sicily, Saul, Shilah, Salih, Shelly, Saleh, Sully, Sally, Selah, Shael, Shayla, Salaah, Sule, Shalaya, Shiloah, Shakeela, Sushil, Skule, Soyala, Suhayl, Salwah, Saliha, Shell, Shelley, Sahalie, Sessilee, Sala

Stats for the Name Soleil

checkmark Soleil is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Soleil is currently #978 in U.S. births
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