
What is the meaning of the name Saoirse?

The name Saoirse is primarily a female name of Irish origin that means Freedom.

Pronounced "SEER-sha" Saoirse Ronan, actress.

People who like the name Saoirse also like:

Isla, Siobhan, Charlotte, Aurora, Violet, Maeve, Aoife, Oliver, Henry, Declan, Finn, Ronan, Rhys, Liam

Names like Saoirse:

Sharis, Saroja, Serissa, Shirkia, Sergius, Sarika, Sakurako, Sherise, Sarki, Sheraga, Seoras, Sergei, Sahrahsahe, Sirius, Sayers, Suresh, Siraj, Suruchi, Skiriki, Sariaz, Serich, Sarge, Suarez, Serge, Sergio, Sorcha

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Saoirse Reign Carter - son of Nick Carter and Lauren Kitt Carter , born 2019

Stats for the Name Saoirse

checkmark Saoirse is currently #59 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Saoirse is currently #959 in U.S. births
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