
What is the meaning of the name Robert?

The name Robert is primarily a male name of English origin that means Bright Fame.

Robert Redford, actor/director. Robert Kennedy, U.S. Attorney General. Robert Plant, lead singer for the band "Led Zeppelin."

People who like the name Robert also like:

William, Henry, Benjamin, Matthew, Andrew, Alexander, Thomas, Grace, Alice, Abigail, Emma, Charlotte, Amelia, Elizabeth

Names like Robert:

Rupert, Ruperta, Rafferty, Roberto, Roberta

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Alfie Sam Robert Beck - son of Jane Danson and Robert Beck , born 2009
Jackson Robert Money - son of Marcy and Don Money , born 2009
Arlo Robert Galafassi - son of Toni Collette and David Galafassi , born 2011
Bennett Robert Godley - son of Jane Krakowski and Robert Godley , born 2011
Boomer Robert Phelps - son of Michael Phelps and Nicole Johnson , born 2016
Nicolo Robert Tucci - son of Stanley Tucci and Kate Tucci , born 2000
Huxley Robert Wood - son of Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood , born 2020
Caden Robert Katrosar - son of Melissa Claire Egan and Matt Katrosar , born 2021
James Robert Plemons - son of Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons , born 2021
Tatum Robert Thompson - son of Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson , born 2023

Stats for the Name Robert

checkmark Robert is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Robert is currently #89 in U.S. births

Songs about Robert

Doctor Robert - The Beatles
Robert - Palomar
Robert de Niro's Waiting - Bananarama
Robert Ford & Jesse James - David Olney
Robert Johnson - Bill Morrissey
Robert's Waterloo - Stephen Fearing
Rose Robert - of Montreal
Whatever Would Robert Have Said? - Van Der Graaf Generator
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