
What is the meaning of the name Pearl?

The name Pearl is primarily a female name of English origin that means A Pearl.

Pearl Buck, author and foreign adoption advocate. Pearl Bailey, singer.

People who like the name Pearl also like:

Violet, Ruby, Iris, Charlotte, Scarlett, Hazel, Penelope, Milo, Felix, Henry, Jasper, Oliver, Theodore, Benjamin

Names like Pearl:

Priel, Priela, Perilla, Pearlie, Piperel, Pearly, Pharell, Parley, Perla

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Pearl Carter - daughter of Nick Carter and Lauren Kitt Carter , born 2021
Olive Pearl Owen - daughter of Jake Owen and Lacey Buchanan , born 2012
Blossom Pearl Hefner - daughter of Scarlett Byrne and Cooper Hefner , born 2022
Pesce Pearl Meyers Tortorella - son of Nico Tortorella and Bethany C. Meyers , born 2024

Stats for the Name Pearl

checkmark Pearl is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Pearl is currently #805 in U.S. births

Songs about Pearl

Diamonds and Pearls - Prince
Pearl's a Singer - Elkie Brooks
The Days Of Pearly Spencer - David McWilliams
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