
  • Gender: Neutral
  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Person With Non-Conforming Relgious Beliefs

What is the meaning of the name Pagan?

The name Pagan is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Person With Non-Conforming Relgious Beliefs.

Pagan and Paganism is a term first used in the fourth century by
Christians to designate people in the Roman Empire who practiced ethnic religions other than Judaism.

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Names like Pagan:

Pochanaw, Pahukumaa, Pepijn, Passion, Pacino, Pakuna, Pegeen, Pahkakino, Poseanye, Pasgen, Payson

Stats for the Name Pagan

checkmark Pagan is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
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Songs about Pagan

Pagan Rachel - The Flamin' Groovies
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