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What is the meaning of the name Pacifico?

The name Pacifico is primarily a male name of Spanish origin that means Calm, Peaceful.

It's derived from the Latin word "pacificus," which means "peaceful" or "peace-bringing." Pacifico carries a positive connotation associated with tranquility, calmness, and harmony. The name Pacifico has its roots in Latin, but it is commonly used in Italian and Spanish-speaking cultures. It reflects the influence of Roman and Latin languages in these regions.

Pacifico is not among the most common names and may be considered somewhat unique or traditional. It might not be frequently used as a first name in modern times, but it remains part of cultural and historical naming traditions. Like many names, Pacifico can have variations or nicknames. For instance, in Italian, you might hear "Paco" or "Pacino" as shorter versions or nicknames for Pacifico.

Pacifico is typically a masculine first name, but names can sometimes be adapted for use by individuals of any gender. The name Pacifico might evoke images of the Pacific Ocean, given its similarity in sound. The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean on Earth and is often associated with tranquility and vastness.

Names like Pacifico:

Pacifica, Pacific

Stats for the Name Pacifico

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