
What is the meaning of the name Otto?

The name Otto is primarily a male name of German origin that means Wealth.

Otto Preminger, director/actor.

People who like the name Otto also like:

Milo, Silas, Oscar, Leo, Henry, Felix, Oliver, Matilda, Hazel, Alice, Charlotte, Adelaide, Penelope, Violet

Names like Otto:

Odeda, Oded, Odetta, Ohoud, Odeya, Odette, Ouida, Owiti, Odo, Owethu, Ode, Oda, Odie

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Otto Eisner - son of Ashley Olsen and Louis Eisner , born 2023

Stats for the Name Otto

checkmark Otto is currently #84 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Otto is currently #281 in U.S. births
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