
What is the meaning of the name Natasha?

The name Natasha is primarily a female name of Russian origin that means Born On Christmas Day.

Diminutive form of Natalia

Different Spellings of the name Natasha:

Natosha, Natasja, Natacha

People who like the name Natasha also like:

Isabella, Ava, Olivia, Scarlett, Charlotte, Natalia, Natalie, Oliver, Ethan, William, Nathan, Sebastian, Benjamin, Alexander

Names like Natasha:

Natashia, Natsu, Natsuko, Notaku, Nitsa, Netis, Niatohsa, Nitesh, Ndoki, Natesa, Nitish, Ntsako, Natsuye, Nautica, Nitza, Natsuki

Stats for the Name Natasha

checkmark Natasha is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Natasha is currently #986 in U.S. births
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