
What is the meaning of the name Nancy?

The name Nancy is primarily a female name of English origin that means Grace.

Diminutive form of Anne. Nancy Sinatra, actress. Nancy Reagan, U.S. first lady. Nancy Cartwright, voice of cartoon characters Bart Simpson ("The Simpsons") and Chuckie Finster ("Rugrats"). Nancy Allen, actress.

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Amelia, Charlotte, Elizabeth, Abigail, Grace, Hannah, Violet, Oliver, Caleb, Isaac, Ethan, Liam, Zachary, Henry

Names like Nancy:

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Stats for the Name Nancy

checkmark Nancy is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Nancy is currently #942 in U.S. births

Songs about Nancy

For Nancy - Pete Yorn
Leaving Nancy - Eric Bogle
Nancy Boy - Placebo
Nancy Drew - Relient K
Nancy Jane - Fort Worth Doughboys
Nancy with the Laughing Face - Frank Sinatra
Seems So Long Ago, Nancy - Leonard Cohen
The Nancy & Mary Music - Frank Zappa
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