
What is the meaning of the name Leif?

The name Leif is primarily a male name of Scandinavian origin that means Heir.

Famous bearers: Leif Eriksson, Norse explorer. Leif Garrett, actor/singer.

People who like the name Leif also like:

Soren, Sebastian, Liam, Finn, Silas, Owen, Oliver, Hazel, Amelia, Violet, Charlotte, Aurora, Nora, Isla

Names like Leif:

Lefou, Levy, Libba, Luffy, Liv, Liba, Levi, Lovie, Liubov, Lovey, Lavi, Lebeau, Livia, Lobo, Leva, Liev, Lupe, Libe, Livi, Levia, Lova, Loup, Loba, Laibah, Lyubov, Libby, Lave, Leiv, Love, Lieve

Stats for the Name Leif

checkmark Leif is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Leif is currently #860 in U.S. births

Songs about Leif

Leif Erikson - Interpol
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