
  • Gender: Male
  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Bright In Mind And Spirit

What is the meaning of the name Hugo?

The name Hugo is primarily a male name of German origin that means Bright In Mind And Spirit.


People who like the name Hugo also like:

Henry, Oliver, Theodore, Leo, Felix, Jasper, Milo, Penelope, Alice, Matilda, Charlotte, Violet, Hazel, Isla

Names like Hugo:

Hewez, Hezekiah, Hisashi, Hughes, Hosa, Hess, Hoshi, Hugh, Haku, Hawise, Hachi, Hija, Haig, Hicks, Hosea, Huck, Hoshiko, Hisako, Haiku, Haukea, House, Hessa, Huhusecaska, Hasika, Hawkeye, Hayes, Hosei, Hawk, Hoku, Hisayo

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Hugo Haggerty - son of Macklemore and Tricia Davis , born 2021
Hugo Bernard Tambor - son of Jeffrey Tambor and Kasia Ostlun , born 2009

Stats for the Name Hugo

checkmark Hugo is currently #73 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Hugo is currently #415 in U.S. births
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