
What is the meaning of the name Hayes?

The name Hayes is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Lives By The Forest/Brush.

English surname. Helen Hayes, actress. Isaac Hayes, actor. Most often pronounced like "Haze"

People who like the name Hayes also like:

Holden, Declan, Owen, Harrison, Hudson, Everett, Grayson, Evelyn, Isla, Charlotte, Scarlett, Ava, Hazel, Nora

Names like Hayes:

Hisaye, Huhusecaska, Hawise, Hosei, House, Hugh, Hezekiah, Hoshiko, Hija, Hoku, Haku, Haukea, Hess, Hewez, Hessa, Hasika, Huck, Hisako, Hicks, Hawk, Hisayo, Hosea, Haiku, Hughes, Hawkeye, Hosa, Haig, Hoshi, Hachi, Hisashi

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Hayes Andrew Hurd - son of Maren Morris and Ryan Hurd , born 2020
Hayes Alba Warren - son of Jessica Alba and Cash Warren , born 2017
Hayes Logan Costner - son of Kevin Costner and Christine Costner , born 2009
Theodore Hayes MacArthur - son of Ali Larter and Hayes MacArthur , born 2010

Stats for the Name Hayes

checkmark Hayes is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Hayes is currently #209 in U.S. births

Songs about Hayes

The Ballad of Ira Hayes - Johnny Cash
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