
  • Gender: Male
  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Dyer Of Clothes

What is the meaning of the name Dexter?

The name Dexter is primarily a male name of English origin that means Dyer Of Clothes.

English occupational surname, like Baxter for baker.
Also Latin meaning "main-handed, dextrous"

People who like the name Dexter also like:

Felix, Oliver, Liam, Archer, Declan, Finn, Jasper, Alice, Penelope, Charlotte, Amelia, Olivia, Scarlett, Violet

Names like Dexter:

Desdra, Destry, Dextra, Desideria, Daughtry, Doctor, Desiderio

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Dexter Lloyd Henson - son of Charlotte Church and Gavin Henson , born 2009
Dexter Dean Keaton - daughter of Diane Keaton , born 1995

Stats for the Name Dexter

checkmark Dexter is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Dexter is currently #700 in U.S. births
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