
  • Gender: Female
  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Free/Beautiful Woman

What is the meaning of the name Carolina?

The name Carolina is primarily a female name of German origin that means Free/Beautiful Woman.

German/Latin form of the name Caroline/Carolyn. A variation of the male name Charles with the name element -lin -lyn, meaning "beautiful."

Carolina Herrera, fashion designer.

People who like the name Carolina also like:

Amelia, Ava, Caroline, Isabella, Georgia, Violet, Charlotte, Oliver, Caleb, Alexander, Henry, Liam, William, Benjamin

Names like Carolina:

Charlene, Caralynn, Carlena, Coraline, Carlen, Carloman, Caroline, Carlyn, Carolyn, Carolena, Carillon, Carolin, Carlina, Cherlin, Charleen, Carlin

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Lillie Carolina Akins - daughter of Thomas Rhett Akins and Lauren Akins , born 2021

Stats for the Name Carolina

checkmark Carolina is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Carolina is currently #424 in U.S. births

Songs about Carolina

Carolina - Patty Larkin
Oh Carolina - Shaggy
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