
  • Gender: Male
  • Origin: Irish
  • Meaning: High, Noble

What is the meaning of the name Brian?

The name Brian is primarily a male name of Irish origin that means High, Noble.

Meaning not clear, but possibly related to the old Irish word BRE meaning "Hill" and by extension "High/Exalted" for a person. Famous Brians include Brian Dennehy, actor; Brian De Palma, movie director; Brian Cox, actor; and Brian the Dog from the television series Family Guy.

People who like the name Brian also like:

Jacob, Matthew, Aiden, Liam, Benjamin, Andrew, Ethan, Emma, Isabella, Abigail, Charlotte, Grace, Elizabeth, Audrey

Names like Brian:

Bronwyn, Barney, Brianna, Bran, Burim, Brienne, Branwen, Brianne, Bernie, Breahna, Breyon, Burn, Bronya, Brennan, Borna, Breena, Braewyn, Bahram, Brynn, Braun, Baruna, Brenna, Brynna, Breanna, Berwyn, Brunonia, Burian, Brown, Bryony, Brienna

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Legend Brian Samuels - son of Safaree Samuels and Erica Mena , born 2021

Stats for the Name Brian

checkmark Brian is currently #97 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Brian is currently #317 in U.S. births

Songs about Brian

Brian & Vince Experience (The Rap) - Suburban Legends
Brian Hennessey written - Shel Silverstein, performed
Brian Song (Monty Python) - Michael Palin, Andre Jacquemin and Dave Howman
Brian Wilson - Barenaked Ladies
Brian Wilson Said - Tears for Fears
What Would Brian Boitano Do? - Trey Parker and Matt Stone
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