
What is the meaning of the name Anders?

The name Anders is primarily a male name of English origin that means Son Of Andrew.

Anders Ly, known professionally as anders, is a Canadian R&B singer, rapper and songwriter.

People who like the name Anders also like:

Alexander, Atticus, Archer, Finn, Owen, Anderson, Oliver, Ava, Isla, Adelaide, Amelia, Charlotte, Alice, Violet

Names like Anders:

Anterus, Andrej, Andreas, Andras, Andres, Andrews

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Axton Anders Cuevas - son of Mark Cuevas and Aubrey Rainey , born 2022

Stats for the Name Anders

checkmark Anders is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Anders is currently #844 in U.S. births
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