
What is the meaning of the name Amanda?

The name Amanda is primarily a female name of Latin origin that means Worthy Of Love.

Amanda Bynes, actress. Amanda Plummer, actress.

People who like the name Amanda also like:

Abigail, Emma, Olivia, Emily, Charlotte, Hannah, Samantha, Alexander, Andrew, Benjamin, Aaron, William, Adam, Matthew

Names like Amanda:

Anantha, Anund, Andia, Andie, Amand, Amayeta, Amada, Amato, Anahid, Anita, Anand, Andy, Amondi, Amit, Amity, Amita, Amund, Amadeo, Ahmaud, Amittai, Amadeya, Antheia, Amadi, Ande, Anahita, Anthea, Annette, Ahmad, Awentia, Anh Dao

Stats for the Name Amanda

checkmark Amanda is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Amanda is currently #484 in U.S. births

Songs about Amanda

Amanda - Ace Troubleshooter
Amanda - Boston
Amanda - Waylon Jennings
Amanda Crazy Wolf - Erica Wheeler
Amanda Ruth - Rank and File
Amanda's Dream - Teitur
Crazy Amanda Bunkface - Sum 41
Go Amanda - Steve Earle
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