
What is the meaning of the name Abby?

The name Abby is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Joy Of The Father.

from Abigail Short for Abigail or Abraham

Different Spellings of the name Abby:


People who like the name Abby also like:

Ethan, Liam, Aidan, Aaron, Benjamin, Jacob, Alexander, Abigail, Emma, Olivia, Ava, Charlotte, Hannah, Chloe

Names like Abby:

Abe, Abbey, Ahuva, Apphia, Afia, Abhay, Afaf, Aviv, Aviva, Appa, Abie, Aveah, Abha, Abeba, Abia, Abbie, Aphea, Apu, Afya, Aoibhe, Ahava, Aoife, Avi, Aviya, Abu, Ava, Avayah, Abey, Ababuo, Aba

Stats for the Name Abby

checkmark Abby is currently #95 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Abby is currently #623 in U.S. births

Songs about Abby

Dear Abby - John Prine
Dear Abby - the Dead Kennedys
Dear Abby - The Hearts
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