
What is the meaning of the name Zoey?

The name Zoey is primarily a female name of Greek origin that means Life.

Different Spellings of the name Zoey:


People who like the name Zoey also like:

Ella, Ava, Charlotte, Chloe, Isabella, Sophia, Olivia, Gavin, Owen, Oliver, Liam, Ethan, Mason, Alexander

Names like Zoey:

Zoie, Zoe, Ziggy, Zo, Zeus, Zeki, Zacchaeus, Zsuzsa, Zi, Zack, Zwi, Zajac, Zeke, Zaccai, Zac, Zosia, Zach, Zsoka, Zazie, Zazu, Zia, Zoya, Zoi, Zea, Zocha, Zaccheus, Zuzu, Zasha, Zakiya, Ziya

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Jordan Zoey Licht - daughter of Jeremy Licht and Kimberly Wallis Licht , born 2009

Stats for the Name Zoey

checkmark Zoey is currently #95 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Zoey is currently #51 in U.S. births

Songs about Zoey

Charley and Zoey - Jim's Big Ego
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