
  • Gender: Neutral
  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Diminutive Form Of Terence Or Theresa

What is the meaning of the name Terry?

The name Terry is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Diminutive Form Of Terence Or Theresa.

Terry Gilliam, actor/writer ("Monty Python")

People who like the name Terry also like:

Thomas, Mason, Jackson, Finn, Oliver, Ethan, Ray, Bianca, Nora, Grace, Charlotte, Aurora, Tabitha, Chloe

Names like Terry:

Tahirah, Taro, Tuari, Tiara, Thor, Tari, Tori, Thorir, Torie, Tria, Theodora, Thuraya, Tetra, Tadria, Tara, Terra, Trai, Theory, Toriah, Tarhe, Tierre, Trory, Tiria, Thora, Theora, Taara, Tierra, Theodore, Tyra, Theria

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Terry Sanchez Wallace - son of Tee Grizzley and My'Eisha Agnew , born 2021
Holden Paul Terry Backus - son of Mira Sorvino and Chris Backus , born 2009

Stats for the Name Terry

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Songs about Terry

Terry - Twinkle
Zero And Blind Terry - Bruce Springsteen
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