
What is the meaning of the name Peter?

The name Peter is primarily a male name of Greek origin that means Rock.

In the Bible, Peter was an apostle of Christ.

Famous Peters include Peter Jennings, newscaster. Peter Sellers, actor/comedian. Pete Wentz, musician. Peter Dinklage, actor. Peter Gabriel, singer/songwriter. Peter Krause, actor.

Peter Pan, children's storybook character who didn't want to grow up.

People who like the name Peter also like:

Benjamin, Theodore, Thomas, William, Henry, Oliver, Liam, Violet, Elizabeth, Lucy, Alice, Emma, Charlotte, Amelia

Names like Peter:

Phaedra, Pyotr, Potter, Pewter, Petra, Pedro, Pietro, Piotr

Stats for the Name Peter

checkmark Peter is currently #96 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Peter is currently #210 in U.S. births

Songs about Peter

David Jay/Peter Murphy/Kevin Haskins/Daniel Ash - Bauhaus
God, Saint Peter and the Guardian Angel - Carter USM
Hey, St. Peter - Flash and the Pan
Introduction (Peter And The Wolf) - "Weird Al" Yankovic
My Friend Peter - Alkaline Trio
Peter And The Wolf - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Peter Gunn - Henry Mancini, Art of Noise, Duane Eddy, Jimi Hendrix, Emerson, Lake and Palmer
Peter Lorre - The World/Inferno Friendship Society
Peter Pan - Patty Griffin
Peter Pan - Terry Kitchen
Peter Piper - Run DMC
St. Peter's Bones - Girlyman
The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead - XTC
Victory Over Peter Bones - Reel Big Fish
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