
What is the meaning of the name Maggie?

The name Maggie is primarily a female name of English origin that means Pearl.

Diminutive form for the name Margaret. Maggie Smith, actress. Maggie Gyllenhaal, actress. Maggie Siff, actress. Maggie Q, actress. Maggie L. Walker, civil rights leader.

People who like the name Maggie also like:

Grace, Ella, Molly, Lucy, Charlotte, Olivia, Audrey, Henry, Liam, Jack, Benjamin, Owen, Oliver, William

Names like Maggie:

Mihoko, Minze, Meng, Moonus, Mags, Micah, Mojo, Moss, Makai, Maja, Maz, Miku, Maj, McCoy, Mi-Suk, Mikako, Mike, Maxi, Mick, Miyuki, McKee, Muge, Max, Mack, Mego, Mikio, Mango, Mika, Monkaushka, Maminnic

Stats for the Name Maggie

checkmark Maggie is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Maggie is currently #318 in U.S. births

Songs about Maggie

Aunty Maggie's Remedy - George Formby
I Can't Let Maggie Go - Honeybus
Little Maggie - The Kingston Trio
Maggie - The Exploited
Maggie Mae - traditional, recorded
Maggie May - Rod Stewart
Maggie McGill - The Doors
Maggie's Farm - Bob Dylan, The Residents, Rage Against the Machine
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