
  • Gender: Male
  • Origin: French
  • Meaning: Little Lion

What is the meaning of the name Lionel?

The name Lionel is primarily a male name of French origin that means Little Lion.

Diminutive of the name Leon.

Lionel Hampton, musician. Lionel is also a brand of toy trains that have become very collectible.

Different Spellings of the name Lionel:


People who like the name Lionel also like:

Jasper, Felix, Theodore, Everett, Liam, Silas, Oliver, Hazel, Amelia, Josephine, Penelope, Alice, Charlotte, Eleanor

Names like Lionel:

Lemuel, Lionella, Lunalilo, Lanelle, Lynelle, Lynley, Leinaala, Leonel

Stats for the Name Lionel

checkmark Lionel is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Lionel is currently #494 in U.S. births

Songs about Lionel

Click button to listen on iTunes

Lionel Say - Jim's Big Ego
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