
What is the meaning of the name Leyla?

The name Leyla is primarily a female name of Arabic origin that means Night, Black.

People who like the name Leyla also like:

Isabella, Aria, Amelia, Leila, Lilah, Layla, Ava, Oliver, Ethan, Aidan, Lucas, Landon, Owen, Liam

Names like Leyla:

Lilou, Leehi, Loyola, Loe, Llywelya, Lewa, Loa, Lol, Lilli, Luule, Lleu, Lahela, Lala, Lila, Le, Laleh, Lehua, Lowell, Lilah, Lilla, Loyal, Leehu, Liliah, Lulu, Laia, Layla, Leo, Lolly, Lua, Loie

Stats for the Name Leyla

checkmark Leyla is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Leyla is currently #602 in U.S. births
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