
What is the meaning of the name Leroy?

The name Leroy is primarily a male name of American origin that means King.

Different Spellings of the name Leroy:


People who like the name Leroy also like:

Matthew, Alexander, Henry, Felix, Ethan, Liam, William, Charlotte, Violet, Grace, Olivia, Stella, Lucy, Layla

Names like Leroy:

Lyre, Loria, Lowri, Lyra, Lara, Laurie, Lore, Laura, Llyr, Lowry, Larue, Lori, Leora, Laure, Lora, Lowery, Lorie, Leeor, La'rayah, Lira, Larya, Laria, Lir, Liora, Larry

Stats for the Name Leroy

checkmark Leroy is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Leroy is currently #877 in U.S. births

Songs about Leroy

Bad Bad Leroy Brown - Jim Croce
Bring Back Leroy Brown - Queen
Leroy - Wheatus
Mrs. Leroy Brown - Loretta Lynn
Mrs. Leroy Brown - Loretta Lynn
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