
What is the meaning of the name Julio?

The name Julio is primarily a male name of Spanish origin that means Form Of Julius.

People who like the name Julio also like:

Rafael, Adrian, Carlos, Antonio, Ricardo, Enrique, Diego, Rosaline, Estrella, Esmerelda, Blanca, Dulce, Reyna, Marisol

Names like Julio:

Joely, Jazziell, Jaliyah, Jewel, Jalal, Jeaselle, Jaala, Joel, Julia, Jalila, Jaleh, July, Jezziel, Jill, Jalia, Joella, Jacquelle, Jehiel, Jalaal, Jia Li, Jayliah, Jazzelle, Jezel, Jaelle , Jazelle, Jela, Jalil, Jaela, Jaziel, Jayla

Stats for the Name Julio

checkmark Julio is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Julio is currently #574 in U.S. births

Songs about Julio

Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard - Paul Simon
Romeo & Julio - Tribe 8
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