
What is the meaning of the name Jaime?

The name Jaime is primarily a gender-neutral name of Spanish origin that means Supplanter.

form of James. Pronounced "JAY-mee" or "HI-may"

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Jeanne, Jemima, Jayin, Jaeson, Jenna, Jessenia, Jan, Jnyah, Johan, Jin, Jonah, Jain, Jainna, Jehona, Jaxon, Jayme, Joham, Jennie, Janiya, Jumanah, Jonny, Jumana, Jamon, Jaimin, Jemma, Jessen, Joanne, JaHanna, Janine, Jian

Stats for the Name Jaime

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checkmark Jaime is currently #584 in U.S. births
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