
  • Gender: Male
  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: God Is My Salvation

What is the meaning of the name Isaias?

The name Isaias is primarily a male name of Latin origin that means God Is My Salvation.

Latin version of Isaiah

People who like the name Isaias also like:

Xavier, Isaac, Liam, Miguel, Elijah, Isaiah, Josiah, Ana, Isabella, Isabel, Ella, Grace, Estela, Nina

Names like Isaias:

Ikuya, Issa, Ishik, Ige, Issay, Ixia, Iikka, Ikaia, Isako, Ikaika, Iokua, Ikuye, Ikechukwu, Ize, Izzy, Iyeshia, Isqesis, Ichigo, Isa, Isis, Isi, Ichika, Ikuo, Ihiaka, Ice, Ichiko, Isaye, Iggy, Ikuko, Isai

Stats for the Name Isaias

checkmark Isaias is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Isaias is currently #440 in U.S. births
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