
What is the meaning of the name Indigo?

The name Indigo is primarily a gender-neutral name of Greek origin that means Blue Dye.

From the Greek meaning "Blue dye from India." Also the name of the flower/plant from which the dye is created.

People who like the name Indigo also like:

Oliver, Milo, Jasper, Felix, Sebastian, Leo, Atticus, Charlotte, Ivy, Hazel, Iris, Violet, Aurora, Scarlett

Names like Indigo:

Imtiyaz, Indeko

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Indigo Wren Chatmon - daughter of Kelly McCreary and Pete Chatmon , born 2021
Indigo Sanara Phillips - daughter of Lou Diamond Phillips and Yvonne Boismier Phillips , born 2007

Stats for the Name Indigo

checkmark Indigo is currently #46 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Indigo is currently #964 in U.S. births
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