
What is the meaning of the name Gene?

The name Gene is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Well Born.

Originally a short form of Eugene. Also a word meaning a basic biological form of heredity. Gene Tierney, actress. Gene Wilder, actor. Gene Kelly, actor/dancer.

People who like the name Gene also like:

Benjamin, Vincent, Cole, Clark, Owen, Miles, Gabriel, Eva, Ava, Charlotte, Evelyn, Violet, Olivia, Alice

Names like Gene:

Gina, Gokmen, Geona, Genia, Giacomo, Gwennan, Guacamaya, Gemma, Gagenia, Gaiana, Gamma, Gucin, Gesine, Gonen, Genna, Gwyn, Genie, Gem, Gwenno, Gannon, Gowan, Gemini, Ganya, Gin, Gyan, Guinan, Guzman, Gino, Gijon, Gwen

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Gene David Fischer - son of Amy Schumer and Chris Fischer , born 2020
Gene Attell Fischer - son of Amy Schumer and Chris Fischer , born 2019

Stats for the Name Gene

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Songs about Gene

Gene Autry - Beulah
Gene Hackman - Robyn Hitchcock
Sweet Gene Vincent - Ian Dury
Who's Gene Autry? - Johnny Cash
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