
What is the meaning of the name Eden?

The name Eden is primarily a gender-neutral name of Hebrew origin that means Paradise.

In the Bible, God planted the garden of Eden for Adam and Eve.

People who like the name Eden also like:

Owen, Caleb, Elijah, Ethan, Gabriel, Liam, Oliver, Olivia, Evelyn, Ava, Scarlett, Amelia, Charlotte, Violet

Names like Eden:

Edem, Edina, Eadoin, Eitan, Etana, Edimeia, Edena, Edwin, Eytan, Edna, Etan, Ethan, Etenia, Etienne, Edwina, Edana, Euthymia, Edan, Edom, Eithne, Eaton

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Eden Brolin - daughter of Josh Brolin and Alice Adair , born 1994

Stats for the Name Eden

checkmark Eden is currently #9 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Eden is currently #438 in U.S. births
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