
  • Gender: Neutral
  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Reverberating Sound

What is the meaning of the name Echo?

The name Echo is primarily a gender-neutral name of Greek origin that means Reverberating Sound.

In Greek mythology, Echo was a nymph who sorrowed from unrequited love until the only thing that remained was her voice.

People who like the name Echo also like:

Oliver, Liam, Felix, August, Jasper, Elijah, Gabriel, Iris, Violet, Genevieve, Aurora, Ivy, Hazel, Luna

Names like Echo:

Eka, Egas, Ekkeko, Ekewaka, Exa, Eisa, Eissa, Eko, Esai, Eshe, Eiko, Eiji, Ezio, Eiichi, Ece, Esau

Stats for the Name Echo

checkmark Echo is currently #38 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Echo is currently not ranked in U.S. births

Songs about Echo

Click button to listen on iTunes

Echo - The Hush Sound
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