
What is the meaning of the name Cora?

The name Cora is primarily a female name of Greek origin that means Heart, Maiden.

Nicknames for the name Cora include Core and Corazon. Cora is another name for the Greek goddess Persephone.

Cat Cora is a famous chef. Cora Walton is the original name of singer Koko Taylor. Tom Cora is an American cellist.

Fictional Coras include Cora Crowley from television's Downton
, Cora Munro from Last of the Mohicans and on Once Upon a Time, Cora is aptly the name of the Queen of Hearts.

Different Spellings of the name Cora:

Kora, Korra

People who like the name Cora also like:

Nora, Ava, Hazel, Clara, Amelia, Violet, Charlotte, Caleb, Ethan, Henry, Liam, Owen, Oliver, Finn

Names like Cora:

Carr, Chezare, Currier, Chaser, Chara, Chiara, Corey, Carey, Cicero, Carrie, Chakra, Cari, Ciro, Czar, Chaucer, Cary, Ciara, Crew, Cherry, Cesaire, Caesarea, Choire, Caesar, Cory, Caro, Chicory, Chiharu, Crue, Cassara, Cierra

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Cora Georgia Coyne - daughter of Barbara Bush and Craig Coyne , born 2021

Stats for the Name Cora

checkmark Cora is currently #37 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Cora is currently #93 in U.S. births

Songs about Cora

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Darlin' Cora - Harry Belafonte
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