
  • Gender: Male
  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Christ-bearer

What is the meaning of the name Christopher?

The name Christopher is primarily a male name of Greek origin that means Christ-bearer.

Christopher Reeve, actor/writer. Christopher Walken, actor. Christopher Lowell, interior designer.

Different Spellings of the name Christopher:


People who like the name Christopher also like:

Daniel, Nicholas, William, Alexander, Benjamin, Ethan, Matthew, Olivia, Isabella, Abigail, Emma, Elizabeth, Sophia, Charlotte

Names like Christopher:

Cristofer, Chazristopher, Christoffer

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Christopher Alexander Hope - son of Mena Suvari and Michael Hope , born 2021
Brody Christopher Marleau - son of Patrick Marleau and Christina Marleau , born 2009
Théodore Christopher Lomas - son of Victoria Ekanoye and Jonny Lomas , born 2021
Kai Christopher Keating - son of Nicole Guerriero and Jeremy Keating , born 2022

Stats for the Name Christopher

checkmark Christopher is currently #98 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Christopher is currently #55 in U.S. births

Songs about Christopher

Christopher Lydon - The Dresden Dolls
Christopher Robin is Saying His Prayers - Gracie Fields
Hang On St Christopher - Tom Waits
Just Like Christopher Columbus - The Nields
The Moon and St. Christopher - Mary Chapin Carpenter
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