
What is the meaning of the name Cecelia?

The name Cecelia is primarily a female name of Latin origin that means Blind.

Alternate form of CECILIA

People who like the name Cecelia also like:

Evelyn, Violet, Olivia, Penelope, Charlotte, Claire, Amelia, Benjamin, Theodore, Henry, Liam, Oliver, Gabriel, William

Names like Cecelia:

Chael, Calla, Cecily, Csilla, Celia, Chole, Clea, Cecilia, Cala, Cashel, Chaskiel, Cal, Chelle, Cole, Cali, Cleo, Coll, Chilli, Cele, Chelo, Chloe, Ciqala, Calloway, Cecil, Chul, Cualli, Czelaw, Cielle, Cecile, Cielo

Stats for the Name Cecelia

checkmark Cecelia is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Cecelia is currently #497 in U.S. births
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