
What is the meaning of the name Bailey?

The name Bailey is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Bailiff, Steward.

Different Spellings of the name Bailey:

Bailee, Baily, Baili, Baley

People who like the name Bailey also like:

Liam, Caleb, Jackson, Ethan, Aiden, Connor, Landon, Ava, Charlotte, Emma, Abigail, Chloe, Audrey, Olivia

Names like Bailey:

Bello, Bala, Belle, Blu, Billy, Boyle, Beulah, Bayle, Beyla, Bahula, Belah, Bull, Belay, Bilal, Bell, Blue, Bill, Billie, Beale, Bella, Beile, Baylee, Bly, Bail, Bela, Bel, Beil

Stats for the Name Bailey

checkmark Bailey is currently #24 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Bailey is currently #172 in U.S. births

Songs about Bailey

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III - Godspeed You! Black Emperor
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