
  • Gender: Male
  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: From The Town Of Ash Trees

What is the meaning of the name Axton?

The name Axton is primarily a male name of English origin that means From The Town Of Ash Trees.

Form of the name Ashton, meaning a person from the town of Ash Trees.

Famous people with the name Axton include Hoyt Axton, country music singer/songwriter (1938-1999); Mae Boren Axton, co-writer of the song "Heartbreak Hotel"; Estelle Axton, co-founder of Stax Records; and Packy Axton, American R&B and saxophone player.

Axton is the main character in the Borderlands 2 video game.

People who like the name Axton also like:

Colton, Archer, Axel, Atticus, Braxton, Aiden, Declan, Adelaide, Aurelia, Arwen, Adeline, Arabella, Adalyn, Ava

Names like Axton:

Augustina, Ashdon, Agaton, Augustine, Austine, Agustina, Ashton, Austin, Astin, Agostino, Augustin, Acton, Aston, Ashtyn

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Axton Anders Cuevas - son of Mark Cuevas and Aubrey Rainey , born 2022

Stats for the Name Axton

checkmark Axton is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Axton is currently #686 in U.S. births
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