
What is the meaning of the name Alex?

The name Alex is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Defender Of The People.

Short form of Alexander or Alexandra

People who like the name Alex also like:

Aaron, Aiden, Andrew, Adam, Alexander, Liam, Ethan, Lily, Ava, Ella, Olivia, Charlotte, Emily, Emma

Names like Alex:

Alizee, Alysha, Alusia, Alkas, Alaska, Alissa, Alix, Alois, Alessia, Aloisia, Alezae, Alikae, Aloysius, Aelius, Alize, Alexei, Alejo, Alick, Alisa, Alicia, Alisha, Alexia, Alijah, Alicja, Alekos, Alake, Alaqua, Alessa, Alexey, Alexi

Stats for the Name Alex

checkmark Alex is currently #52 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Alex is currently #202 in U.S. births

Songs about Alex

Click button to listen on iTunes

Alex Chilton - The Replacements
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